Wednesday, February 18

A Vision for the Event: Just Comfortable Elegance

Dreamy cream and watery blue--I've been imagining an easy, easy-going LA restaurant wedding. Elegant cake, dinner and fine clothes you'll definitely wear again. What's your feeling--could the bride have one bridesmaid dressed in relaxed shades of white too?

Image sources: Jennifer Behr, Anna Williams, JCrew, Truli Confectionary Arts, Banana Republic, JCrew, the lettered olive, Dandelion Ranch.

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jules said...

I love the pussy willows, makes me want spring even more!

Dionne said...

These are beautiful.

I personally don't like the Bridesmaids to also wear white, but if the bride really really wants her in white too, then i would say a different shade of white.

perfect bound said...

I LOVE that pantsuit! Is it BR? Wow.

Joanna Goddard said...

i love this.

Joanna Goddard said...

ps. love the goddess dress especially.