Monday, July 6

Oh-So RB Sabbatical

So sorry it's been so long, friends! I certainly should have written sooner.

With baby on the way (so soon!) and our new venture, I've been spending some time reflecting on all the big changes. It's looking like I'm in need of a bit of a vacation from my little blog here and it may just be that I need to close up shop on Oh-So RB altogether. Blogging seems to have changed so much since I began (would you agree?) and I'm hesitant to post just every once and a while (doesn't seem quite right!). Certainly, I've gathered unbelievable inspiration from reading your blogs, writing here and being a part of a great circle of art-minded friends. Any thoughts & suggestions you have would be welcomed. While I'm away, I'll definitely still be listening!

Happy summer to all--enjoy, enjoy!

(Memory jars and handmade thank-yous from Martha Stewart--so lovely!)

add to kirtsy


christina said...

i so feel blog has definitely morphed since the wedding...i had even considered changing careers to keep up wedding blogging, but prop 8 really put a damper on that for me...

so i really feel you. however, i sure would miss you!!! maybe baby will inspire you to blog more in a different direction?

either way, i support you, but oh so rb would be missed!!!


Cindy said...

i would miss you, too. but, sometimes you just need a break to focus on other things and blogging does take a lot of time. even an occasional post would be nice to see what you're up to. it doesn't have to be all or nothing.

Courtney said...

Oh, Rebecca, I so understand. It's funny because it does feel like blogging has changed so much even in just the past year. I understand the hesitance to post only occasionally, but truly, I can't say as a reader I would mind.

You seem to have so much on your plate, so enjoy whatever length vacation you need-- blogging is more of a time commitment than I ever could have imagined before I started. And, hopefully, the vacation will not a permanent one, but should it be, best of luck with everything that is ahead. xo

BEL said...

I wish you all the best with your baby on the way! I hope you enjoy a bit of time away. I'll miss hearing what you've been up to! Thanks for all the wedding (and beyond) inspiration!

Hope you're back soon!

Tara Vorhes said...

I miss your posts! But I completely understand the need for a sabbatical and/or a fresh start.

I do hope we will hear some news about the new baby and if you decide to start anew somewhere else.

Best wishes! Hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you should give up on it just yet, maybe wait till you see how life is with a little one and then go from there. Maybe blogging will be the easy creative outlet you'll need while the baby is never know!

It is hard to just post every now and then, but I think that readers appreciate your thoughts and ideas no matter how sparadic. My blog is a bit like that right now, but I'm still getting those comments and visits from my readers.

Good luck with your decision and with your new addition (: It's going to be an amazing adventure!