Thursday, September 18

Designing Wedding Heirlooms: Plant Favors

I love gardening, gardens, seeds, wild flowers, dirt--name that green thing and I'm enamored. Olive Barn has some really nice pre-packaged favors with eco written all over them. A flower bulb in a simple earth-friendly bowl tied up with a ribbon--I think it's brilliant. In addition to these great little gifts, do you know of other helpful, easy ways to make your own garden favors? Has anyone pulled together pretty plant packaging on a budget? I'd love to hear your ideas!

add to kirtsy


Alicia said...

I have no idea whether the following favor was budget friendly or not but it was pretty neat! My friend's husband works for the Forest Service so they offered pine saplings as favors. AND he had recently gotten into pottery so went to an arts co-op in Brooklyn and threw and glazed probably 200 small vases that were good for holding the saplings while at the party and is now an excellent vase for one or two stems! Like I said, I don't know if it was budget friendly but definitely handmade goodness and a touch of green!

Rebecca said...

Wow! I just love the sound of this idea. How nice to incorporate his own homemade pottery!

Carly said...

those are lovely. this would be a great money-saving DIY project...

Maggie said...

That is so pretty.

Wouldn't it be great to do little fruit plants—like, strawberries?

Spider plants also sprout so easily and could cut them off your own adult plants and put in little pots...though maybe not a hundred...

Plants, though, and dirt, are not convenient if you have lots of out-of-town guests (would they carry it on a plane?) But so nice.

Seeds in pretty packets could be pretty budget-friendly...with ribbon or handmade labels? It's been done. You could do herbs (parsley, sage, rosemary :) )

Thanks for the blog link! We're just getting started, but Shiv is a fabulous semipro photographer, so I have a feeling her posts may outshine mine ;)