Tuesday, January 6

Happy Birthday, BFF!

Today is one of my favorite days of the year: my best, best, best friend Lola's birthday! Nothing makes me happier than getting to celebrate who she is: brilliant artist, photographer, traveler, politico and unbelievably loving and supportive friend...who just happens to have been born three days before me! (Practically sisters! You know, me being the younger and cuter one, right, Lo?) We met the very first day of college and have been bosom buddies ever since (she just loves Anne of Green Gables--don't we all?). So, what's extra special about this year? We're both turning the big 3-0! Happy day, Lo--here's to a decade of inspiration, confidence, laughter and happiness beyond compare! Can't wait to enjoy it with you!

(M'm, cupcake image found here. Photo of my bff from our wedding--isn't she gorgeous?--taken by the wonderful Allison Garrett.)

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southern daze said...

Happy Birthday to my fellow Capricorns! I hope you both have a fantastic birthday and all of your wishes come true :-)

Lynne said...

I think everyone does love Anne of Green Gables - although strangely, I've never met that many Americans who have heard of it; mostly Brits and Australians.

Chelsea said...

It's always great to have a kindred spirit as a friend. 30 is great too. I am sad that my 30th year is almost over.. now I am starting to feel a tad bit over the hill:)

Rebecca said...

yay for our 30s and for capricorns! have you done anything fun and memorable on recent birthdays? yesterday, S and I found ourselves driving home from the city in a very blustery snow storm--definitely something I won't soon forget!