Tuesday, February 24

Great Books: Baby's Box

In my 101 things list I mentioned expanding my children's literature collection and now I have a great excuse for doing so...such a guilty, wondrous pleasure! I found this funky 'Squirrel Brand' peanut taffy crate on eBay and I've been filling it with favorites:

The Keeping Quilt by Patricia Polacco
For You Are a Kenyan Child by Kelly Cunnane and illustrated by Ana Juan (plus Juan's website is the most sweet and wacky thing)
The Five Senses by Herve Tullet (love this multimedia book for kids and adults alike!)
The Gardener by Sarah Stewart and David Small
Whistle for Willie by Ezra Jack Keats (Keats collages have always been magical to me--plus, little Willie looks a tad bit like our pooch!)

Don't kid's books just make you feel like the world is so curious, rich and alive?

add to kirtsy


christina said...

i love it...so sweet. we, too, have a small collection of little's books...some collected by patty when her friend's daughter frances left them with her. some collected by me from my favorite aunt, who is a children's librarian! one of my favorites on our little's shelf: good dog carl.

thanks for sharing these, i'll have to add to my collection!

Confessions of a Northern Belle said...

I love children's books. I could honestly sit in a library and read book after book to myself. They are calming and funny and bring me back to another time and place. I love reading to my nephews whenever I get the chance!

Dionne said...

I adore Children's books! I don't have any children yet, but I have a collection all ready for when I do! I love the combination of a simple story and lovely pictures.

Rebecca said...

totally! I've gotten into the habit of heading straight to the children's book section these days--it's so calming, isn't it?

Good Dog Carl is simply the best, Christina--I adore those wordless stories! do you know Tomi dePaola's Pancakes for Breakfast?