I am in love, just in love, with these luminous vessels from up in the air somewhere. Wouldn't you just want to cradle one in your hands? Wouldn't one be wonderful for holding your rings during the ceremony? Oh, yes.
(Originally seen on d*s.)
Thursday, August 28
Sweet Find: up in the air somewhere

Nie Nie Day
Two weeks ago, Stephanie Nielson, blogger behind the Nie Nie Dialogues, and her husband were in the crash of small aircraft. Their fellow passenger, Doug Kinneard, a flight instructor, did not survive his injuries. Stephanie and her husband, the parents of four young children, are currently in critical but stable condition. Surviving with third degree burns, their recovery is expected to take many months and be very expensive.
Stephanie's family and the blog community have created the Nie Recovery site: a place for donations to the fundraising drive for the Nielsen's recovery, an opportunity to learn more about the couple, and a benefit blog to stay updated. Gabrielle at Design Mom has dedicated today NieNie Day and encouraged fellow bloggers to participate by holding silent auctions. The complete list of auctions is available here. The outpouring of support is just tremendous and tremendously moving. I've already put in my bid and hope you will too!

Monday, August 18
Up, Up, Up and Away
I'm off for a little end of summer respite--be back next week! Have a great one!
(Image found here.)

Saturday, August 16
In the Spotlight: New K. Autumn Website!
Kelly of K. Autumn has a new and wonderful website! I just can't say enough about how much I love her work (I have a crush on the new gray one--ooo!). The hairpin she made for me was one of the hits of our big day (more posts here and here). The little feather and silk flower is the most precious and beautiful fashion piece I own--no exaggeration. Even more than my dress, it is what made me feel like a bride.
(I hope it's true what they say about needing a sense of humor to have a good marriage because, poor Allison, I couldn't stop giggling all day long. In this last picture, it should be noted I was just trying to wipe icing off S's face--ahem, nothing malicious!)

Sweet Find: A Peace Treaty
A Peace Treaty affirms my belief that the best of high fashion pieces should reclaim, re-inspire and re-elevate the fine crafts we are so rapidly losing. An ethical boutique, each sale supports local craftspersons and Counterpart International, a nonprofit aid organization in Darfur. I took the plunge: this lush coral scarf is on its way and I can't wait to work it this fall.
(Originally seen on Creature Comforts.)

Friday, August 15
As We Speak, Read and Write
Right now, I'm here: an English teacher with reams of paper to mark up and an ominous amount of dishes to wash....
But I'm dreaming about falling into here, here, here and here...
...just a couple more days until vacation!
If you haven't checked out Roland Bello's work, I highly recommend it. Even that bag of Lays looks hot!

Tuesday, August 12
A Vision for the Event: Hot Sun, Cool Citrus
Coco + Kelly is hosting one fabulous wedding board contest--each entry must be based on a well-designed room and the results have been wow! Check out the rules here--I've already put in my entry and you should too!
When I'm putting a board together I'm usually thinking about a small, intimate, sophisticated and budget-friendly wedding. I think that could be a reality here too but I went a bit dreamier. This party is all about richness of place and culture, pattern and texture.
Image sources: Coco + Kelley room, Brides.com, invite by Bella Figura, frozen lemon mousse from Martha Stewart, Christian Oth Photography, Brides.com, flowers by Artfool, Jaqueline Véissid Photography, Jose Villa Photography, Docuvitae Photography, Oh How Charming!.

Sunday, August 10
The Home Is Where the Art Is: Alma Allen
I can't recall where I first heard of Alma Allen's sculptures. There was a show or radio segment or blog entry somewhere about her eco-modern home and studio outside Joshua Tree. Having gone to college out that way, the California high desert is a landscape I love and I can't help but swoon at the beautiful space she's created. The very witty home-building blog is available here. Aren't these shapes sensational? The top pieces remind me of the desert tortoises I've always heard about but never seen.

Saturday, August 9
Back to Autumn Minimal
I just love this simple look from the new JCrew catalog--a men's button-up with dressed up pearl and ribbon necklace to add some asymmetry. I was thinking about different jewelry options from etsy--what do you think? I'm thinking something monochromatic with petal-like shapes. What colors and materials would rock this look best? Necklaces above from contagious, yanis07, local library.

Wednesday, August 6
Designing Wedding Heirlooms: Invitation Inspiration
For our wedding, I made all of our invitations and announcements from scratch (thank goodness for Paper Studio and PaperSource!). If I didn't love crafting so much myself, if there were a little extra money in the budget and I were to do it all over again (vow renewals are looking good already!), one of the designers I would want to talk to: Mr. Boddington's Studio. Bold colors, a sense of humor and lovely vintage graphics (notice the wonderful wallpaper influence)--the work is just so fresh. I'm especially a fan of their reds--the color becomes chic, folksy, preppy and beautifully decorative. Check out Charlotte's calling card above--fun stuff!

Monday, August 4
Sweet Find: ban.do
Wow, I went over to Black Eiffel for my daily read and found these whimsical, witty, poetic, ethereal, confectionary-colored pieces from ban.do. Truly the definition of 'sweet.' Is it just me or is there a hair accessory revival going on? I'm obsessed.
UPDATE: Snippet & Ink is holding a ban.do giveaway--wow, check it out!