All sorts of wonderful happenings, ladies, since last I wrote!
Our Wyatt has arrived--we're just madly in love. The little guy was born August 4th in the middle of a big summer lightning storm. We've spent the last month with him in our arms and, I can tell you, nothing compares. It's a very sweet time, indeed. In this photo, he's 13 days old--our sweet friend and wedding photog Allison Garrett dropped by to snap some pics of him. He's lying on the quilt we received as a wedding gift. We tease about what he's listening for here...ocean waves, the wind, some sweet song...!
Also, exciting: Clover & Bee has officially launched! We're having a blast with all things wedding and home in the Midwest. Real weddings, engagements, flowers, handmade details, sweet finds. Our first giveaway began this week--a chance to win a copy of Amy Butler's excellent book Midwest Modern--love! I would be so honored if you would stop by, friends!Miss you all and can't wait to catch up soon--hope you'll drop me a note with what you've been up to, too! ox!
Saturday, September 19
A Postcard from Home: Big Times!

Monday, July 6
Oh-So RB Sabbatical
So sorry it's been so long, friends! I certainly should have written sooner.
With baby on the way (so soon!) and our new venture, I've been spending some time reflecting on all the big changes. It's looking like I'm in need of a bit of a vacation from my little blog here and it may just be that I need to close up shop on Oh-So RB altogether. Blogging seems to have changed so much since I began (would you agree?) and I'm hesitant to post just every once and a while (doesn't seem quite right!). Certainly, I've gathered unbelievable inspiration from reading your blogs, writing here and being a part of a great circle of art-minded friends. Any thoughts & suggestions you have would be welcomed. While I'm away, I'll definitely still be listening!
Happy summer to all--enjoy, enjoy!
(Memory jars and handmade thank-yous from Martha Stewart--so lovely!)

Tuesday, May 26
Heirloom Nursery: Sneak Peek!
Happy spring, friends! I'm sorry for these gaps between posts--I feel like I'm sending you postcards lately from where I am! Things are busybusy with designing and writing for the soon-to-be Clover & Bee (can't wait to share all the exciting bits in the works there!). Plus, I admit, I'm a little caught up in baby-ness--resting and preparing. But, between these adventures, I thought I might share a snapshot of the little man's room in progress (click the images for a larger view). We're trying to keep everything simple--a little modern, a little organic, a little heirloom and very much budget-friendly. I just finished hanging the Ida Pearle alphabet this week--one of my favorite aspects of the space. Every letter is like a poem--e is for elephant, g is for garden, q is for quilt, s is for wonderful to get to be a kid, am I right? More soon! Do keep me posted on what you're up to!

Saturday, May 9
Sneak Preview: Clover & Bee Weddings!
After many months of secret keeping, I'm so excited to say we have a little sneak preview of my new site up and live: Clover & Bee Weddings!
With all the fun I had designing our wedding and writing here on Oh-So RB, we decided to take the leap and expand: a wedding guide and blog devoted to all the remarkable professionals and artists here in the Midwest. The process of creating the site has been so joyful--I can't wait to show you the rest! And, I promise, despite all the big things in the works (baby included!), I plan on keeping up here. Oh-So RB is without a doubt my original labor of love--from the first posts I wrote just for myself (can you tell? I didn't think anyone would be reading my little reflections!) to the latest connections I've been so lucky to make.
Thanks for all your support and generosity these past couple years (hard to believe we've been here this long!). I can't say enough about the happiness being a part of the blogging community has brought me and I'm so looking forward to what the future holds for all of us. Cheers all around!

Tuesday, May 5
Heirloom Nursery: Cloudy with a Chance of Fun
So sorry for the long delay on posting, friends! My soon-to-be not-so-secret project (!) has been taking up most of my time. Plus, being many months pregnant has finally caught up to me--whew! I really appreciate your patience and hope to return the favor with our exciting news very, very soon!
In between the sparks of busy-ness, I have been gathering a few new things in anticipation of our little boy. We're thinking his middle name might be Gray--one of my favorite colors--and I'm looking forward to celebrating with a few hints of the hue in his room...! Bunny booties from Pretty Little, 'Sweet Bunny' print from decoylab, eco plush blanket from boopalina bebe, fabric from skinny laminx (lovely and subtle!). I just love all the new modern possibilities for baby these days, don't you?

Wednesday, April 22
Great Wedding Blog: So You're Engayged
The absolutely gorgeous New England wedding of my friends Emily and Erica is on So You're Engayged today and I'm so excited for them! Our weddings were a week apart and it was a blast to talk plans. Aren't their dresses so elegant? Not to mention, if you haven't yet checked out Kelly & Natalie's beautiful new site you certainly should--it's the next big thing, I just know it! (Oh, and, no, that's not a rice toss in the shot above but tiny marshmallows--mmhmm, that's right!)

Find It on Film: Grey Gardens
Even more than films, I adore documentaries and Grey Gardens is among my very, very favorites of all time. Fashion, poetry, dance, song, design, architecture and, of course, gardens--it's a near-perfect piece. Because of this, I have to admit, I'm pretty skeptical about this new version of the musical (Drew Barrymore? really?) and I'm probably not going to tune in (maybe you can convince me!). But, that said, all the talk of the movie has brought about some great remembrances from those who knew the Beales, their home and style, and I'm reveling in it. Especially these photos from the current owners of Grey Gardens. As Little Edie says, "It's all embedded together. Believe it or not, the past is part of the present and the future is here with us now."

Monday, April 20
Designing Wedding Heirlooms: Lovely Lace
Daytime lace, moonlit lace--I can just imagine a wedding with a subtle feminine theme like this. Martha Stewart has the fine filigrees on her mind too. Wouldn't a Tree & Kimball necklace be the perfect accessory? The top image has me thinking someone should really do a mint green and indigo wedding--such a fresh palette.

Friday, April 10
Designing Wedding Heirlooms: Pop-Up Decor
Loving the new Chanel spring show with these amazing cut-out paper florals. Wouldn't a 'pop-up' wedding be a great theme? I can imagine all sorts of whimsical details. To get you started, there's always Paper Source's series of flower kits. (via Oh Joy!)

Tuesday, April 7
Heirloom Nursery: Jennifer Murphy Bears
You've heard me sing Jennifer Murphy's praises before--she and her work are wonderful. I'm so excited to share that we've been talking about creating a custom made bear for our baby....
Once upon a time, when I met S, he had just returned home from a 6-month stay in a backcountry Oregon ranch, an hour and a half from the nearest town, writing in solitude, where there were--being a city girl this always gets me!--black bears. Wild black bears roaming around, eating blackberries, scratching up wasp nests, doing all the things very real bears do. It was a special time for him to say the least--out there roughing it in the wild. And now, here we are, six years later, with his memoir about that time due out next spring a new little bear on the way even sooner. I'm so thrilled Jennifer is going to help us celebrate and commemorate with a another bear friend to be dragged around with love.
If you missed out on the JM spring sale yesterday, definitely sign up for her newsletter to get the latest on the up-and-coming and read up on her sweet blog. Oh, and wish her congrats as well! She's also due this summer with her first--hooray! hooray!

Saturday, April 4
Designing Wedding Heirlooms: 3 Photographers
These shots from 3 Photographers are making my day--so charming, so glamourous! That cameo shot especially moves me. All the lucky Brooklyn brides-to-be, wow! Just imagine the wonderful vision you could put together with these talented folks...!

Heirloom Nursery: Baby's First Artisan Pieces
Ceramics and stitching, lines and designs--I think the sweetest pieces for baby are those that have history and those that will. Just a few of my favorites for starters: wobbly pin dolls from Sian Keegan, Heath Ceramics kid's set, Matching Game of Marimekko fabric designs from Plastic Shop, 'Many Hands' quilts from Fun Quilts (the story as wonderful as the blanket!).

Heirloom Nursery: Style on a Budget
What a wild week--I'm so sorry to have been away for so long and can't wait to get back in touch! Hope you're getting the first tastes of spring where you are. We've got daffodils here but also a couple inches of snow in the forecast...could it really be? Whew!
In the midst of my busy business, I've been dreaming about the nursery for our baby-boy-to-be--a surprising challenge and a delight. You know me: I love big colors, sentimental art pieces to keep, staying on budget, craftiness, hands-down good design. After our wedding last year, I thought, how different could it be? You pick a palette, pick a theme, have some fun. But, wow, the project and the resources are completely different (as S says, 'look out, baby culture is after us!')--or at least it seemed at first.
Wanting to hold on to those same principles, I decided to simplify, simplify, simplify. Instead of buying an expensive coordinating crib set, I went with a nice basic white bumper and skirt for the vintage-looking Jenny Lind crib we chose (I'm sad to say I don't see them in the Land of Nod collection anymore--it's a beautiful, inexpensive piece--if you can get your hands on one, snap it up!). The beauty of this is the set cost $60 (total!), it looks so clean and fresh, and now I can mix-and-match sheets, curtains, other furniture, accessories and what-not to my heart's content.
That one choice has made the designing process really come alive and now that we're back to basics, I'm ready to build up the vision: I found this sweet wild kingdom mobile (from Copenhagen Styles), three colors of gingham sheets to match (Pottery Barn Kids), and a 'Keep Calm' poster that I could potentially add (for some humor, of course!--this one from the Keep Calm Gallery). So, what's next? I'm on the look out for some patterned fabric (maybe from Purl) to complement and contrast the gingham...some fun toys and accessories...some fine touches of heirloom pieces...hmmm! Any suggestions for me? I need all the help I can get!

Monday, March 30
In the Spotlight: Dutch Door Press
So exciting--Dutch Door Press has a lovely spruced up site! Check out their custom designs and the new line of signature wedding suites. I just love their folksiness--the holiday cards we sent were a hit and I'm definitely thinking of this baby announcement for welcoming our little bear into the world this summer...!

Sunday, March 22
Heirloom Nursery: Baby's First Quilt
It's no secret I love quilts--really love them.
Recently, I've been editing the memoir of one of our quilter friends and got to thinking about the possibilities for our baby's first quilt. Looking around for nursery bedding, I've been pretty disappointed in the range of colors and style for little boys (did I mention? we're having a boy!). Everything is blue, red and brown and--I'm going to say it!--so boring (!). Have you noticed this too?
This feeling led me to start researching the baby blankets of the past at our local museum, Lincoln's International Quilt Studies Center. What I found was that the traditional of the crib quilt is really a fascinating one--especially here in the Midwest where these small blankets were an Amish tradition. The rich blacks and deep blues, the modern-feeling stripes, blocks and cubes. Hope we can find a way to do something similar--so many creative possibilities for our tiny new guy!